Earth Oven BBQ

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The best place to barbecue in Tainan!

Location: Dashuxia barbecue park

Location: Dashuxia barbecue park

We sincerely recommend you Dashuxia barbecue park, the best place to barbecue and have fun in Tainan

Barbecue Set:

NTD 2000 for 10 person

NTD 2400 for 10 person

NTD 3000 for 10 person

Oven Rental:

NTD 100 per set



No.1 Outdoor Earth oven place in Tainan.

Making Earth oven

Earth oven

We sincerely recommend you the best place to cook by Outdoor Earth oven. We had the equipments that can allow you to make the earth oven by your own hand and leave behind wonderful memories.

Earth oven Cooking Set:

NTD 2300 for 10 person

(Corns, Sweet potatoes, Duck eggs for each person.

Two chickens.

Fried noodles, Pickled Cabbage and Duck Soup)

Head up north


Head down south

走國道3號南下,下官田 / 大內系統交流道(334K出口),右轉走84快速道路(往北門/台一線),往台一線方向省道時左轉至新中(309.3K),再左轉走181縣道往大內即到(穿過二高橋下)。

Public Transportation


Tainan Duck Leisure Farm